The Properties of Motion
Simple machines have been a part of our lives for many centuries. In fact, the origins of a simple machines can be dated back to the third century B.C. By Archimedes, the Greek Philosopher. His work was with his types of simple machines which were the lever, screw and the pulley. Over time, simple machines have also included the lever, wheel and axle, wedge and inclined plane.
Simple machines are simply defined as a device that does not require a motor to function. While not exactly simple in design, the principles involved in the function can be considered simple. A simple machine is a machine that can change the direction or amount of a force. To learn more about simple machines, we have put together the following helpful resources. We hope you enjoy learning more about simple machines.
- Background Information on Simple Machines
- Who Invented Simple Machines
- History of Simple Machines Presentation
- Definition of a Machine
- Levers and Simple Machines for Kids
- Simple Machine Lever
- The Lever as a Simple Machine
- Simple Machine Wheel and Axle Tutorial
- Wheel and Axle for Kids
- Simple Machines Pulley Information
- Science of the Pulley
- Project on How to Make a Pulley
- The Inclined Plane Information
- Physics of the Inclined Plane
- Lean About the Inclined Plane
- Simple Machine – the Wedge
- Information on the Wedge
- Kids Information on the Wedge
- Simple Machines and the Screw
- Information on the Screw and Simple Machines
- Mechanisms and Simple Machines
- Simple Machine Games
- Simple Machines for Students
- Simple Machine Lesson Plan
- PBS Simple Machines Classroom Resources
- Overview of Simple Machines
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